Welcome to Vickevira!

My name is Mia Dehmer and I am a Swedish yarn dyer and knitwear designer based in Helsingborg in the very south of Sweden. Since my grandma taught me how to knit and crochet when I was I child, I have been using yarn as a creative medium.
The name VickeVira has a special story. We have a well known Swedish rhyme about the fingers in which each finger has a given nickname, and where the little finger is named Vickevire. In the early 1990's when my daughter Sofia was about 2 years old, we went to meet her newborn cousin, Elvira. Sofia looked at the little baby girl and said ”Oh.. she is just like a little Vickevira!” (which made it a combo word of the little finger and the name Elvira). This was about the same time I started my design journey and the name was just perfect!
My main focus is on colours and design and how the two go together, and my inspiration comes from travels, nature and folklore. I love to combine traditional patterns with modern colours and design, and there are endless combinations still to be made!